For Immediate Release

January 14, 2024

Contact: Taylor Haulsee

WASHINGTON — Speaker Johnson tonight released the following statement regarding the need for Congress to pass a continuing resolution to avoid a partial government shutdown:

“Last week, House Republicans achieved an improved topline agreement that will finally allow the House and Senate to complete the annual appropriations bills.

“The agreement reduces the worst gimmicks included in the previous side deals in the Fiscal Responsibility Act, and now includes $16 billion in additional real spending cuts from the Democrats’ IRS and COVID-era slush funds.

“Because the completion deadlines are upon us, a short continuing resolution is required to complete what House Republicans are working hard to achieve: an end to governance by omnibus, meaningful policy wins, and better stewardship of American tax dollars.”

Background on the government funding legislation:


  • The legislation maintains the House Republicans’ two-step approach by shifting the two dates to March 1 and March 8.


  • The text of the continuing resolution legislation can be found here.


  • Read the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board’s endorsement of the topline agreement here.



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